Raw material

April 14, 2023

The list of raw material going into a pair of denim jeans is often longer than one might think. Everything from thread to zipper, buttons, rivets and fabric are components that make up a finished product, which ultimately affects both design, quality and price.


To ensure long-lasting durability in our products, we always use the highest quality zippers and buttons available, as it is a shame if a trouser goes to waste because of a broken zipper. However, it is in the choice of fabric we, as a brand, can make the sustainable choices. That is why our denim trousers consist of 88% organic cotton. Organic means that the cotton is grown in fields without harmful chemicals, leaving the soil, air and water free from contaminations causing harm. Not to mention the protection of farmers’ health and ultimately end-user wearing the garments.
To put it into perspective; conventional cotton is often referred to as the dirtiest crop on earth due to its extensive use of dangerous pesticides affecting human, soil and animal health that requires vast amounts of water to grow. In comparison, a regular t-shirt using conventional cotton requires ~2.700 liters of water to produce, whereas an organic cotton t-shirt requires around 500 liters. The numbers and facts are mind-boggling – and there are many more to support the claim.


If a conventional cotton farm chooses to convert and start growing organic cotton, the soil will be contaminated and must wait 3 years before it can live up to the standards of organic cotton production. This is challenging for farmers as most do not have the financial power to stop production for 3 years.  


One might ask why all brands do not have organic cotton as a standard in their garments. The answer is price. That is also why, according to Textile Exchange, less than 50% of all cotton used in the industry comes from organic cotton fields. The demand for conventional cotton still exceeds the demand for organic cotton, which pushes up the price.
It is a matter of choice. From brand to end-user. For our denim trouser (and all our other products), we believe the only right choice to make is the one that does good to both planet and people regardless of price.

Sources and further information about organic cotton:

