Earth Day first emerged in 1970. Since then, this observance has become a recurring international event, celebrated every year on April 22nd to draw attention to global environmental challenges such as overconsumption, pollution, and waste.

This year’s global theme is “Planet vs. plastic.” The aim is to work towards a 60% reduction in plastic production by 2040 to preserve our planet and ensure a sustainable future for all.

The ultimate goal is a plastic-free future.

At COZE AARHUS, we are mindful of our responsibility as part of an industry that continues to be a major environmental offender. We acknowledge the challenge of plastic pollution and actively work to address it.

Earth Day

Plastic in clothing 

Plastic in clothing undeniably contributes to this issue.

One significant contributor is polyester, a synthetic material and a plastic product commonly used in clothing production. While polyester has certain advantages such as durability and colourfastness, it also poses serious disadvantages in terms of microplastic emission, pollution, and its difficulty in biodegradation.

To minimize our environmental impact, at COZE AARHUS, we have gradually reduced our use of polyester over time. Where possible, we have replaced the material with organic cotton and LENZING™ ECOVERO™ viscose. Although we recognize that polyester is still indispensable in certain cases, we continuously strive to reduce our dependence on this material.

Why not just use recycled polyester then?

Some may ask.


Recycled polyester is often made from melted plastic bottles. A plastic bottle can be recycled five to six times[1], whereas a t-shirt made of recycled polyester is difficult to recycle back into textile fiber. This is because polyester is often used in combination with other materials such as elastane, and the industry still lacks technology that can efficiently separate these different materials on a large scale.


Therefore, our stance is that the plastic from recycled bottles, used to produce recycled polyester, serves a better purpose by remaining as plastic bottles.



What can we/you do?

The world is changing, and every day we can all critically examine our personal consumption. We can act more consciously by looking for certifications and labels and also by considering our purchases carefully before buying new items. We hope that Earth Day will help strengthen awareness of our dependence on our planet and promote awareness of our own choices for a better future.