”If we should make the best trousers in the world, how would they look like?” We asked ourselves that question one day at LAURIE’s product department. ”They must fit perfectly on your back”, one colleague said. ”And they must have a smooth, shaping effect for a flat tummy”, another colleague added – ”and still be comfortable, of course”. During the discussion, someone put her hand with her fingers spread in front of her stomach, and then the idea for Magic Slim was born.
Our close cooperation with our supplier led to further reflections
We learnt so much during that process… Our basic thoroughness was in our favour. Our supplier is not far away (Turkey) so we could have a close cooperation with them during the process. It was interesting and meaningful to all involved parties to develop something new that actually worked. Moreover, our understanding of comfort and aesthetics were enhanced during the process as we tested a multitude of trousers of all sizes. An experience we took with us.
12 years after the patent approval, the trousers with the Magic Slim shaping function are still available in our product range, with exceptionally good feedback from our customers.
Our close cooperation with our supplier led to further reflections. At that time, we also had productions in India and China. With limited contact to the manufacturers, however, because of the large distances and requirements for larger quantities than we could meet. Some years earlier, we had made a basic decision that we would only leave our production with suppliers we have visited. Thus, we had also made a general decision only to manufacture clothing in Europe – because of distances, cooperation, delivery times, etc. – and because we wanted to gain insight into the working conditions for those who manufacture our clothing.
In 2014 we received a true windfall. A very convenient offer because we had gathered so much knowledge over the years which we needed to structure and incorporate in a more defined strategy we could all work with. And sure, we did…
To be continued…